Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thank you for our new books!

There is something so wonderful about a new book.  Knowing you are the first person to hold it, open it, and read it is a wonderful experience. The crisp pages and the fresh smell of the print, the story inside - brand new to excited eyes.  We are fortunate at Alkali to have a wonderful group of people who like new books as much as the kids do. Tom and Donald Crawford and Cynthia Eggert been providing a new hardback book each month. They receive a suggested title and present it to the library.  Some of the titles come from the teachers. Some are from the library.  But, each month they bring a wonderful new book for the kids at school to enjoy.  Believe me when I say they do not stay on the shelves for long.
Every month the target of the book changes.  It will be a fun chapter book one month, a great science nonfiction book the next, and a delightful picture book the month after that.
I cannot say thank you enough to these wonderful people.  The Crawford Insurance Agency purchases books for several Heights area elementary libraries.  We are fortunate to be one of them.

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